Logan Utah | Venture High Senior Portraits | Southeastern Idaho Photographer 

Senior Celebration Spotlight • Steven  
Day 1 • This lucky guy got to spend the weekend at my house! In my head, he’s around 6 years old, shorter than his younger sister, and absolutely obsessed with sharks. He could give you every measurement, diet, tooth count, fin color, and how many people that type of shark attacks each year all within seconds of looking in his direction. He came up to me one time and said, “Mikenna, what attacks more people each year, a jellyfish, a shark, or a monkey,” I may have said sharks, to which he responded, “Actually sharks have the lowest number of attacks in the year 20xx.” A few minutes into talking to Mr. Steven I thought to myself, “This kid makes me feel stupid,” not because he belittled me, or was rude by any means, but because that little brain of his held SO MUCH INFORMATION! Nowadays, he still is incredibly intelligent. He may not be talking about sharks and all their ins and outs, but he still has a gift for getting every possible piece of information there is to find about any given topic.

I love Steven today because he has a desire to learn, and a desire to seek out information- when he has a topic in mind, he is thorough and absorbs it all!

Day 2 • Recently Craig and I were talking about our different kids and their responses to a ‘surprise’ situation, those responses could be fight, flight, or freeze. We came to a conclusion about ourselves as well. I bet you can guess what Craig’s response is- yup, ‘fight,’ mine is a bit more sophisticated than that, ‘flight’ and at times, ‘freeze,’ but either way I’d rather melt into the walls than be put on the spot, or risk being embarrassed- testing anxiety was always my nemesis. Anyway, at one point we thought it’d be a good idea to wait for our kids to come down the hallway, and then Craig would unexpectedly jump out and scare them- then we could observe their reactions. Well, of course, two of our kids were ‘flights’, the last, as we guessed, put up a fight. That girl came out swinging! This little moment in time had me thinking about Steven.

This may seem like an unusual thing to share, but I love what happens when Steven is nervous or unsure of a situation he finds himself in. Some people would just shy away *ahem-that would be me,* some get irritated *that would be Miss Kenzie,* but neither of these applies to Steven. In his moment of nervousness or unfamiliarity, his defense is quoting movies. Yes, movies. He will imitate and recite lines from all kinds of movies, games, tv shows you name it, he will think of a line from it. He was great to quiz me during our little photo date, but you know what? He did great. I learned about the movies I needed to review and a few I’d never even heard of, and I think I even outsmarted him on a few! I will say Steven is always full of surprises, from the information he can share, to movies he can reenact at a moment’s notice. He will keep you guessing and I love him for it!

Day 3 • Well, Mr. Steven. Wednesday was the day you said goodbye and ‘see ya’ to grade school. You made it! Congrats on officially being a high school graduate! You’ve made many people- including your family proud. Steven is getting ready to send in his papers/application to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I think Steven can be such a force for good. He can share things he’s passionate about, and share his own personal experiences, and even struggles, I think this will help him to relate to those he comes in contact with.

Not too long ago Steven recognized a hindrance. He noticed he could ‘hear’ things being said, but for some reason, he was having a hard time understanding or formulating what those words meant. Rather than just letting it be, he researched his symptoms on his own and found the solution. In true Steven fashion, he presented his findings to his parents, appointments were made, and the solution was given. He now wears hearing aids. Not because he can’t hear sounds, but to help him translate what those sounds mean. I love that he would take the time to solve the problem. Steven’s wheels seem to be constantly turning. He can create things and loves to be thorough with those passions. Recently he has been using a 3D printer to create some neat pieces including a statue of Christ. That statue proudly sits atop his Great-Grandma’s entertainment center on display for anyone who comes to visit and she absolutely loves it!

Steven, you have such a good heart, serve with all your might regardless of your life circumstances. Never be afraid to be different, because different makes changes! I love you! Congratulations! 





Grace Idaho | Grace High Senior Portraits |  Southeastern Idaho Photographer 

Meet Maycie! This girl is always up to something, and when I met her, it was her Senior project. Here in Grace, the Seniors have a project requirement for graduation which entails finding a mentor, providing service, learning about a trade, and presenting their experiences to a ‘panel.’ I can’t believe how much work, effort, and time can go into these projects, but I see a lot of value when real effort is put forth! Maycie came to me looking to explore the world of graphic design, and photography. I can’t say I felt like the most qualified mentor, but I sure enjoyed her company! Maycie is creative. I remember telling her that I had a hard time doodling, something about just relaxing and drawing just did not come naturally to me. She laughed and said she doodled on just about everything- I wouldn’t doubt it! During her project she shared some designs she’s created including a handful of logos- I’d say she’s on the right track! I’m sure her contributions to the yearbook appreciated her talents! I hope BYU-I serves her creative mind well. I think they’ll be excited to have her in the graphic design realm!

I love Maycie’s desire to learn all things in the digital design world- there’s A LOT to learn and it can be overwhelming but her excitement, drive, and determination will be a huge asset.

Day 2: I love Maycie’s desire to try new things.
I am one to order the same thing at the same five restaurants out of fear that I may try something new and not like it. I’ve surprised myself as of late because I’ve tried a new drink each time I’ve gone to Sam’s Soda the last four times- that’s a big deal! Sure every drink is a lemonade base but that’s still a win for me! Maycie on the other hand…well, she’s got more adventure in her veins than I do. On her senior trip, she tried frog legs. I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not, but I’ll just be amazed at her for trying new things!😉


Day 3: Maycie loves music. I know, you’ve decided you and Mayc are now friends with just that small piece of knowledge! But seriously, I remember talking to her one day and she told me of her love for all things music, from listening to it, to writing her own, that is her happy place. I may not have seen her in person, but I did get to hear her play the piano during a church service and her talent did not disappoint. I love how she can express herself in such a beautiful way! I started taking piano lessons when I was eight and continued those lessons up to age 17, I also learned to play the flute around the same time but once I hit high school, I let it go by the wayside. Music is powerful, and I loved and appreciated the outlet it gave me. I wish I had the vocals I so desired! Maycie sings, she plays the piano and the guitar and I can’t help but hope she continues to grow those valuable talents!
Maycie, you made it. Graduation is here, be proud, you’ve done it!


Grace Idaho | Soda High Senior Portraits| Southeastern Idaho Photographer

For the month of May, I want to highlight the Seniors I was able to photograph! It’s been fun to make daily posts of his guy, and lucky for you, you get to see all the posts at one time! I hope you enjoy getting to know this awesome guy- Jaxson! 

Day 1: Another great Senior is here and ready for his spotlight! Actually, I haven’t asked him, let’s just pretend he’s excited ;)! Meet Jaxson, our Soda Cardinal!
Jaxson comes off as being a shy guy but you get him talking and suddenly you’ve made a new best friend! He loves all things involving the outdoors including fishing, hunting, and golf. You’ll be happy to hear that we have something in common, we both enjoy wildlife! Sure he likes to take them home and I would rather not…but that’s beside the point! 😉
Today, I admire Jaxson for the kind, gentle young man he has become!


Day 2: This kid is a hard worker. In the past 4 1/2 years that I’ve known him, he has worked as a farm hand moving pipe throughout the summer, and I don’t doubt during the week and weekends when needed. He’s worked at a golf course mowing lawns, and worked for his uncle in the butcher shop down in Preston- keep in mind that’s travel on top of the actual work hours…now (or most recently) he has been working for our local butcher. The kid doesn’t stop. He is a great worker and those seem to be far and few these days! Keep it up Jaxson!

I admire Jaxson’s’ worth ethic, and his desire to provide for his own ‘wants/needs’ whenever possible!


Day 3: Good things come in threes! That’s what I’ve been told, I’ll let you decide… Here’s your last fun fact about our Soda Senior- Jaxson!
He is a car lover, well at least he loves HIS car and informed me that she has a good side so I had to make sure we captured it. Even the license plate is sentimental- 2005 I bet you can guess what year he was born. A few years back I remember his mom mentioning he was determined to drive the car that was buried in the snow. He spent the weekend digging it out just so he could drive it. (Motivational dedication is my kind of inspiration). I’m just impressed he can drive a stick shift vehicle- that is something we do not have in common…but I CAN drive an automatic car! My last attempt at driving anything that required shifting was a motorcycle before I ever got my driver’s license and I just about ran over my Grandma’s fruit tree…That was also my last attempt at driving anything with a shifting requirement. Jaxson, we love your passion for working, we love your passion for the outdoors, we love your zeal for life, and we love your desire to progress. Never give up.

Jaxson, congrats, our family is excited for, you and bummed at the same time that you don’t want to stay in grade school forever, but we know you have some great contributions to make in this world- and we are grateful we get to know you! 






Grace Idaho | Grace High Senior Portraits| Southeastern Idaho Photographer

It’s MAY! I can’t believe we’ve already made it five months into the year, and even more mind-blowing is that we’re just weeks away from finishing off another school year! This year, I decided to do something a little different with the Seniors I photographed, rather than posting immediately- which would have been so much easier ;), I decided to wait and celebrate them until now. So on Instagram, there will be a new Senior highlight each week, but here, you get to get to know each one in one post! Our first senior? Nyler! 

I’ve been really excited to share these seniors but this one is especially near and dear, and if I’m being perfectly honest, I don’t know that I’m quite ready for this. He may not be MY son, but there are days when I feel like he’s one of my kids! Nyler is my youngest sibling, as a kid, ha let’s face it, even now, we call him ‘Nyler the Smiler’ because have you ever seen him without a smile? Yeah, me neither. He is a ray of sunshine. Always full of life and a love for life. Nyler spends hours on the floor playing with my kids- if they ask him to play, he doesn’t wait for them to ask again, it’s always ‘yes.’ He’s the fixer of all Legos- and believe me, we break a lot of those around here…and a master builder. We bought him a 3D wooden marble run ‘puzzle’ building kit for Christmas thinking it would stump him, or at least give him something a project for a week or two. He had it all assembled by the time we showed up the next day. It was incredible! That was even after spending time repairing or replacing pieces that didn’t seem to function properly. The kid’s brain and his fine motor skills amaze me.

So, on day 1, what do I love about Nyler? Well, I love his creativity, and I love the joy that seems to follow him everywhere he goes.


Day 2: Do you have a green thumb? Can you make plants come back from the dead, or successfully transplant new shoots/growth from one plant to a new one? I really can’t claim that I can. Matter of fact, I tend to kill plants rather than revive them. The hard part? I genuinely LOVE plants. I have one that I bought the week after Craig and I got married and it is still alive, I have a few just like it that I’ve bought over the years, I also LOVE my baby snake plant- I can’t even tell you how giddy I get when I see her in the morning. I’ve also recently purchased a beautiful Fiddle Fig- she’s a charmer, Fiddle is her name (and no, she’s not fickle) and I love her too. AND a baby Aloe Vera plant, her name is Aloe, and our most recent addition is Dieffenbachia. She hasn’t been named yet, so suggestions are welcome! I’m sure you’ve already read over the names and wondered why the heck you should care and that is precisely why I’m sharing this. Nyler cares. Nyler loves plants too! He keeps waaaay more plants alive than I do, but he loves each of them. Better yet, he checks on mine each time he comes to visit and always has a fun fact for me to be a better plant parent. I hope to adopt a spider plant from him one day when I know I won’t kill it. I may need a degree in Botany before that time comes just to feel qualified.

I love Nyler today because of his love of plants, his excitement and pure captivation make me want to be a better plant lover. I want to bring more plants into my home BECAUSE it bring him so much happiness! Thank you Nyler for loving God’s creations!


Day 3: Oh boy, I could talk about Nyler all day every day. In the past few years, I’ve gone from being Mikenna to Nyler’s sister Mikenna. Yes, that’s become my full name to those that know Nyler. I swear that kid does a little of everything. I’ve mentioned he loves plants, engineering- and all things that require building, he is EXCITED about going into the dental field, has a knack for clogging and social dance, LOVES to play the trumpet, the piano, sing, and has been learning the guitar, he’s an incredible baker- you HAVE to try his carrot cake or his most recent one- I just can’t remember the name of…or even his Chocolate, chocolate cake he made for my birthday, I am still impressed! Just don’t ask him to make you homemade donuts if there’s safflower oil on the counter…just give me a call, I got you covered (Nyler, I still love you)!

Nyler, thank you for being a young man that I am proud to call my brother and friend. I will proudly be ‘Nyler’s sister Mikenna.’ You are so loved. I will cry the day you graduate, I will miss your red truck pulling into my driveway after school, and I will miss having you help me make Oreo truffles. You are spreading joy in so many ways. Thank you!  The next large ‘blush’ drink is on me! 

Love, Mikenna





Grace Idaho | Extended Family 

I know Spring is here, my yard officially has more grass showing than snow so there’s *knock on wood* no turning back now! BUT that being said, I just can’t let this last Winter family session go without having its well-earned spot on the blog. The snow was beautiful, the view was perfect, and the family has also been on my favorites list for quite some time.

Let’s go waaaaaay back just for fun, shall we? I had heard the name ‘Kalli’ for quite some time, I knew she had to be one stellar human being, but I hadn’t yet met her, but if you know Kalli, you know once you’ve met her, your life is changed for good. She is one neat human being! This woman volunteered to help serve at my sisters’ wedding. This doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it sure is when the reception is over an hour away from home. She was there early and left late all while bringing her daughter along for the ride. Who does that? I would REAAAAAAllly have to love someone or just have a big heart to give up my evening. But that is Kalli to a T.  Last fall we hosted a boutique, and here comes Kalli right on board, no questions asked. She is the owner of a small business named Lower 40 where she does everything from making beautiful sugar cookies (the buttercream is my personal favorite!) to homemade bath salts-(if you’ve got a cold, you need her cold ‘therapy’ bag), herbal salves (foot cream is a fav…), chapsticks, all the way down to freeze-dried goodies (she said these were quite popular at the boutique. *Ahem, my husband may have bought a few bags…*). She is crafty, creative, cheerful, and completely wonderful!

Of course, I will brag on Kalli all day if you’d let me so I have to admit I was pretty excited to meet the rest of her extended family. Mandi and her little family, as well as Jeanette didn’t disappoint. They were kind, and quite enjoyable to be around! I enjoyed hearing about their rodeo adventures I’m not sure they are ever home. Mandi and her hubby also own 81 Eighty. They make wooden cutting boards with beautiful engraved designs. I actually snagged a few for Christmas gifts. These girls are quite talented if you haven’t noticed!

Well, I’m grateful I could meet up with this cute family, they are good, good people. Thank you, Collins, Sorensen, and the Zabriskie family for the invite! See you all next year ;).



P.S. We snagged a few imprompt photos of that cute baby and her parents before heading outdoors,- do miss them (scroll to the end) they’ll bring a well-needed smile to your face!