The Anderson Family

The Anderson Family

Lava Hot Springs, Idaho | Extended Family Portraits | Mikenna Atkinson Photography | Southeastern Idaho Photographer 

 I’ve been told we visited Lava once or twice when I was a kid, but to be honest, I have no recollection of those adventures. Since moving to Idaho I have visited the Olympic pool about 10 times. Eight of those were for swimming lessons…I know it’s a little pathetic, I promise I will do better…when it’s less crowded…maybe. Although I will say, I actually do love to swim. I’m not a strong swimmer, but I thoroughly enjoy being in the water! Thankfully all the visitors to Lava this summer gave me the opportunity to meet a new family last minute and I’m so grateful I did!

Ashlee messaged me early in the week after an unfortunate/fortunate cancellation by the photographer they had planned on meeting with. But as I mentioned above, it was fortunate for me because I had the fantastic experience of meeting them!

The whole family- all 21 of them decided to meet up and take a little vacation getaway. I loved going on vacation with my cousins, and I still do. Each year we book our campground a YEAR in advance to make sure we can all camp together. I love it! Even booking a year in advance I can’t believe how hard it is to get a whole family together at the same time! On the Warnes side of my family, we have 17 people, and on the Atkinson/Switzer side, we have 19-20 (including our Grammy). Getting everyone together, healthy, happy, and available is always a trick. But I have to say, I love when everyone is together. Memories are made in those moments that I believe end up being ‘core memories’ (if you’re a lover of the movie ‘Inside Out’).

 The Anderson crew definitely has a fun group of cousins, from ‘tweens’ to babies, they all seem to get along with one another, and it was cute to see the older girls enjoy being ‘besties.’ These mamas have their hands full with all the busy babies! I can promise you one thing, you will NEVER regret getting a family picture of everyone together. There’s just something magical. There’s stress, there’s outfit coordination, there’s doing everyone’s hair just to turn around and do it again, and change the dirty shirt AGAIN, but when that moment is saved, it’s just special. I can’t really put it into words. That moment in time just melts my heart and I know from that moment on, those babies will continue to grow up, and the adults will continue to age.

 Anderson family, especially Ashlee, I know the moment your plans changed it was a bit of a panic, but I’m grateful you were willing to find a backup plan! Thank you for allowing me to meet your big family! Sorry about the mosquitos, and dirty knees (by the time we were done!)! I hope to see you and your cute family again in the future!



The Murdoch Family

The Murdoch Family

Grace, Idaho | Mikenna Atkinson | Southeastern Idaho Photographer  

Our little family moved from Tremonton five years ago in September, which in and of itself just blows my mind. Time. It leaves me speechless. When we moved in, you remember the story, life was crazy, uncertain, and very unfamiliar. (If you’re curious, here’s the post from way back when). We finally moved into A house, but it felt like our lives had been turned upside down. In the middle of the crazy, there was a knock at the door one day. I opened it to find Maili standing on the porch with a plate of beautiful cookies. It was a simple act, but that moment cemented a deep love for Maili and Jim in my heart. I’m sure there are times they wish we didn’t know them (**ahem when they had to plow the driveway for us this past winter**), but they have been so kind to us! Jim checked in on us when we didn’t make it to church, Maili brought dinner after the birth of our last two babies, and they’ve stopped by with treats ‘just because.’ Sometimes those small and simple acts of kindness feel like you’ve been given a million-dollar check. They bring so much joy! I’m sure you can guess how I would feel when they asked about family pictures. Honored and excited!

As a mom, I seem to have one item on my bucket list that reappears each year, ONE good family picture. Just one. Not everyone has to smile, but I just want one where I can see everyone’s eyes. A part of that request would be that we have a good experience. No extra stress, just peace. Maili may have mentioned a similar desire. This of course resulted in a bubble gun, a large star balloon, and my 10-year-old tagging along. In a second when you start to scroll through, I’m going to guess you’ll agree with me when I say it was totally worth it!

Murdoch family, I sure enjoyed your laughter, your gentle teasing, the way you interact with each other. Jim, your acrobatic skills are impressive to say the least and the love you have for your grandbabies is endearing! Maili, you looked beautiful! I love you both + the other 14 versions of you two! Thank you!


Ty + Lindsay | Wedding

Ty + Lindsay | Wedding

Soda Springs, Idaho | Southeastern Idaho Photographer

I saw him standing next to his little red truck alongside my future  father-in-law. I was excited to think I was going to beat him inside. My siblings and I quickly crossed through the parking lot and once we entered the doors, they went right into the general waiting room, and I headed back to the member waiting area. I was so excited, I was getting married! We waited…and waited…my aunts, uncles, and grandparents passing by as they headed back to the chapel…and I was still waiting. Quick jokes about Craig and his cold feet were plenty, but they seemed to have more weight the more time passed by. I had just seen him in the parking lot, where did he go?

At some point, one temple worker came and said there was a small delay but not to worry! Time goes on and he comes back to say that the ceremony will be delayed, but not to worry, this time letting me know that my fiance had forgotten his recommend- think of it like a membership card- which is no big deal, they could call his Stake President, he also forgot his temple clothes- again no big deal they could lend him some. Our problem was our marriage license. Craig had left everything other than the suit he was wearing, at home by the front door. Home was a solid 45 minutes away. Thank goodness his mom and sisters hadn’t been in the same vehicle! We were scheduled to be married at 10:30 am, and at 11:45 am we were facing each other ready to be lawfully and eternally husband and wife. 

I think we could plan our wedding day out second by second, breath by breath but somehow there is always a hiccup, some big, some small but at the end of the day, somehow it still feels like ‘the perfect day’ all because two people decided to become permanent companions.  I don’t take on many weddings, if I’m being fully honest I take on no more than two a year. I LOVE them, I love the decor, the experience, and everything about them but with a house full of young kids, I just can’t. Then Lindsay came along. 

Lindsay is beautiful, she is gentle, she is kind, patient, and her smile melts me every time. If I was to be a blonde, I’d hope I would look like Lindsay. I think these two- Ty and Lindsay have quite the love story, but one of my favorite parts of the day was watching these two see each other for their ‘first look’ all dressed up. Ty. Was. Beaming. If you scroll down, there’s one black and white photo in there and look at that grin on his face! Even when we were taking pictures of Ty by himself, he couldn’t contain his excitement! Even though there were a few shirts that didn’t fit, even though there was this tiny detail dilemma or that minor hiccup, these two just kept smiling, they kept being excited and I truly think it just melted the worry away.  I wish these two all the good, all the joy, and all the best memories that can possibly come to them. 

Lindsay, you looked radiant. Thank you for the invite to a day that means so much to you, to Ty, your beautiful girls, and the family you’ve created! Love you both!

-Love, Mikenna