Grace , Idaho | Family Portraits | Mikenna Atkinson Photography | Southeastern Idaho Photographer 

I am lucky we’ve handpicked our ‘extra’ family members. Cassie (Nate’s wife) was his girlfriend in high school when we all fell in love with her. She was/is a hard worker, a farm girl, and acted like a second mom to her siblings. I remember watching Nate’s face as he talked on the phone. You could almost always peg when it was Cassie compared to anyone else. I’m also pretty sure he fell asleep on the phone several times, yet she still called. He left on his mission to D.C. she wrote him at least weekly, sent him packages of treats, and treated him like gold. She was still there waiting for him when the two years were up. Mercedes thought she should determine when they married, and ‘A Tuesday’ was her request. You can bet they followed that request. Six years and two babies later, I’m still grateful she came into our lives! Fun fact about Nate, he grew up telling us he would be a dump truck driver with a mustache. Well, he can drive a dump truck, and anything else that requires a CDL, he may not have a mustache, but he does have some hair on his chin. He will eat any and every cookie in sight, loves country music, does not have a Facebook or Instagram so he likes to steal mine to ‘educate himself’ on what is going on in the social world, but will drop everything for the sake of his family.

Nick. He and Megan had ‘unofficially’ been together during high school; at the very least, he was her best friend. There were even late nights he stuck around to help her with homework or chores. We still have a cookie sheet he scrubbed the word/name ‘Megan’ into…We were on ‘Team Nick’ when he headed for his mission. We should have had t-shirts made up with his face on them…Craig and I stayed up into the early morning hours the night before he came home, creating a ‘Welcome Home’ banner. We got to visit him that same night. Nick was always thoughtful and doting on Megan. I loved seeing her letters to him while he was gone; they’d be intricately decorated with calligraphy and little doodles that couldn’t have been more thoughtful. They’ve been married for four years and welcomed their first baby girl into the family this past April. Fun fact about Megan, she loves to bake. Sourdough, fine desserts, heck, recently she made crème brûlée, and her homemade pies are quite delicious! She has beautiful handwriting, and loves shopping at vintage/farmers markets.

Next up, Craig. You may know him, and yes, I may have handpicked him for our family…;) We knew each other when I entered Young Women’s (our church youth group for girls ages 12-18), he was always kind, but we didn’t date until he got home from his mission. After he spoke in our ward (church congregation), my mom asked if I’d like to date him. Nate was an instant fan. He enjoyed his truck and his deep voice and said he liked country music. What more could there be to love? After our first date, we talked daily, and this year, we celebrated our 12th Anniversary and 13 years of being together. Craig is a dedicated daddy and husband. He’s an Ohio State fan but has also proudly adopted BYU as his ‘backup team’- although he’s a more loyal fan than I am. You can count on him for a great cup of hot chocolate, getting me out of ironing a six-month pile of clothes, a killer bowl of Tikki Masala, Authentic Mexican Food, or a good ole American burger. He’s loyal and dependable. He looks tough, but snuggles from his kids melt him like a popsicle on a hot day. Even better, he’s mine. 

Since my other two siblings don’t have spouses, I think I should give you fun facts about them…Marina, she is starting her Masters degree this coming year, and she loves all the Korean bands? KPop I think is the official term, she is a fan girl, and loves to travel. If I had a sibling that travelled the world, it would be Marina. She loves the Asian culture, and loves being independent, although I think her two kitties wish she’d spend more time in Grace.  Nyler, well Nyler is a smiler. He patiently sits on the floor assembling Lego villages with my kids, and somehow keeps his cool. He loves to bake cakes- and he’s created quite the portfolio! He works hard, and loves all the sugary treats. He plans to go to dental school after his two year mission to Missouri(he leaves at the end of October). We will miss him like crazy. 

This family of mine is my happy place. I love spending hours with everyone in one room (or at least in the kitchen and living room), laughing, telling stories, teasing my mother- especially when she comes up with phrases like ‘I’m sweating like a fish!’, watching the kids with ‘their best friends’- cousins, and even watching Nyler and Marina give their all for their nieces and nephews. That doesn’t even mention watching my parents fulfill their role as Grandparents. The grandkids love them; they love to be chased around, tickled, and teased by Grandpa- they may even love the handful of gummy bears, Swedish fish, or ziplock baggy of chips and homemade cookies Papa loads them up with. They love snuggling with Grandma, scoping out her pantry, and helping her in the yard or feeding the chickens. They want to be with Papa and Grandma, and I love it. I love my siblings, I love their spouses, I love my parents, my husband, my kids, my nieces and nephews. I love this crazy family of mine. They are my happy place. Sometimes, we drive each other crazy, but most of the time, we LOVE like crazy.




Grace, Idaho | Family Portraits | Mikenna Atkinson Photography | Southeastern Idaho Photographer 

 It’s been one of those years. Time seems like it’s gone by faster; there’s more to look back and reflect on. Memories, sounds, places, people, faces, I have difficulty keeping the passing time straight. As I sat and talked with TaNesha, we realized this was the third year in a row that I’d been able to take their family pictures. Three years doesn’t seem like much until I start thumbing through the old files. The girls are growing, Levi is getting older ;), and TaNesha just gets sweeter. I get to watch the girls change; their baby faces turn to little girl faces, and I can’t help but love them. I love their chatty conversations; I love their facial expressions; I love their personalities and independence. Even Gus, the family dog, seems to have put a few years on! 

But this week, especially, brought a reality check. The Spencer family and I met up for family pictures. I spent just a moment with them, chatting and enjoying their company. I learned how to put a cowgirl hat on and discovered Miss Berkeley does not like Trident Original gum (it’s too hot). The girls were bubbly as always, just like everything was normal, but three days later, it couldn’t be further from normal. 

On Sunday, I learned Miss Berkeley had been taken into surgery at Primary Children’s Hospital due to a brain tumor. Since then, her sweet mama has posted updates on her condition. I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around the whole situation. I’m devastated that this little spunk has to go through something so difficult this early. I’ve known people who have gone through different health-related challenges, and my heart goes out to them, but for some reason, this feels extra personal. My little curly, blonde-haired, blue-eyed buddy needs a few extra prayers. She’s a tough little cookie, but a little more heavenly help is always appreciated! 

Berkeley, I sure love your smile; I love watching you grow and take on this world. I love watching you help Aunt Jackie pull weeds and make yummy treats. I love YOU! To the rest of the family, Levi, TaNesha, and AuBree, I love each of you; thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives, and sorry about all the dirt this year ;)! 



 P.S. If you’d like to get updates on Miss Berkeley, there is a Facebook group you can join, and a fundraiser going on to help meet the needs of this cute family. 



Lava Hot Springs, Idaho | Extended Family Portraits | Mikenna Atkinson Photography | Southeastern Idaho Photographer 

 I’ve been told we visited Lava once or twice when I was a kid, but to be honest, I have no recollection of those adventures. Since moving to Idaho I have visited the Olympic pool about 10 times. Eight of those were for swimming lessons…I know it’s a little pathetic, I promise I will do better…when it’s less crowded…maybe. Although I will say, I actually do love to swim. I’m not a strong swimmer, but I thoroughly enjoy being in the water! Thankfully all the visitors to Lava this summer gave me the opportunity to meet a new family last minute and I’m so grateful I did!

Ashlee messaged me early in the week after an unfortunate/fortunate cancellation by the photographer they had planned on meeting with. But as I mentioned above, it was fortunate for me because I had the fantastic experience of meeting them!

The whole family- all 21 of them decided to meet up and take a little vacation getaway. I loved going on vacation with my cousins, and I still do. Each year we book our campground a YEAR in advance to make sure we can all camp together. I love it! Even booking a year in advance I can’t believe how hard it is to get a whole family together at the same time! On the Warnes side of my family, we have 17 people, and on the Atkinson/Switzer side, we have 19-20 (including our Grammy). Getting everyone together, healthy, happy, and available is always a trick. But I have to say, I love when everyone is together. Memories are made in those moments that I believe end up being ‘core memories’ (if you’re a lover of the movie ‘Inside Out’).

 The Anderson crew definitely has a fun group of cousins, from ‘tweens’ to babies, they all seem to get along with one another, and it was cute to see the older girls enjoy being ‘besties.’ These mamas have their hands full with all the busy babies! I can promise you one thing, you will NEVER regret getting a family picture of everyone together. There’s just something magical. There’s stress, there’s outfit coordination, there’s doing everyone’s hair just to turn around and do it again, and change the dirty shirt AGAIN, but when that moment is saved, it’s just special. I can’t really put it into words. That moment in time just melts my heart and I know from that moment on, those babies will continue to grow up, and the adults will continue to age.

 Anderson family, especially Ashlee, I know the moment your plans changed it was a bit of a panic, but I’m grateful you were willing to find a backup plan! Thank you for allowing me to meet your big family! Sorry about the mosquitos, and dirty knees (by the time we were done!)! I hope to see you and your cute family again in the future!





Grace, Idaho | Mikenna Atkinson | Southeastern Idaho Photographer  

Our little family moved from Tremonton five years ago in September, which in and of itself just blows my mind. Time. It leaves me speechless. When we moved in, you remember the story, life was crazy, uncertain, and very unfamiliar. (If you’re curious, here’s the post from way back when). We finally moved into A house, but it felt like our lives had been turned upside down. In the middle of the crazy, there was a knock at the door one day. I opened it to find Maili standing on the porch with a plate of beautiful cookies. It was a simple act, but that moment cemented a deep love for Maili and Jim in my heart. I’m sure there are times they wish we didn’t know them (**ahem when they had to plow the driveway for us this past winter**), but they have been so kind to us! Jim checked in on us when we didn’t make it to church, Maili brought dinner after the birth of our last two babies, and they’ve stopped by with treats ‘just because.’ Sometimes those small and simple acts of kindness feel like you’ve been given a million-dollar check. They bring so much joy! I’m sure you can guess how I would feel when they asked about family pictures. Honored and excited!

As a mom, I seem to have one item on my bucket list that reappears each year, ONE good family picture. Just one. Not everyone has to smile, but I just want one where I can see everyone’s eyes. A part of that request would be that we have a good experience. No extra stress, just peace. Maili may have mentioned a similar desire. This of course resulted in a bubble gun, a large star balloon, and my 10-year-old tagging along. In a second when you start to scroll through, I’m going to guess you’ll agree with me when I say it was totally worth it!

Murdoch family, I sure enjoyed your laughter, your gentle teasing, the way you interact with each other. Jim, your acrobatic skills are impressive to say the least and the love you have for your grandbabies is endearing! Maili, you looked beautiful! I love you both + the other 14 versions of you two! Thank you!




Grace Idaho  | Southeastern Idaho Photographer | Mikenna Atkinson Photography

  Introduction: If you know my mom, you’ll know that she LOVES family pictures in white shirts and tan pants. Also, her favorite pictures have been those that have ‘water’ in them. Meaning, a river, a lake, a stream, something that provides a water source. Why? The only reason she’s given is it matches her walls regardless of the rest of the decor. Well, she’s not wrong. But I myself don’t like wearing tan pants, maybe it’s the memory of spilling Tampico orange juice + my French dip Au Jus sauce on them during lunch or maybe it was following that up with a trip into the mud puddle, either way, it imprinted an ‘I hate wearing tan pants’ on my soul. On the other hand, I LOVE white dresses. I love to wear them, I love to dress my girls in them, and I especially love the flowy ones. They are angelic, and just seem to bring joy with them! My mom would be so proud of this session, white dresses, water, and a girl who’s made up her mind! 

Do you love white dresses as much as I do? I love big and full white dresses, I love simple yet flowy dresses, let’s face it I just love dresses in general so my heart gets so happy when I get to photograph someone donning one! Miss Emmeline knew what dress she wanted, how the fit should be, and the fine details and searched until they found that perfect one. She picked out two pairs of shoes to compliment, and of course, remembered a matching bracelet and hair wreath. Oh be still my heart, a girl who loves the fine details! I could squeeze these two! In my opinion, all the fine details of an outfit, or even an event make the experience all that much better! Well, this cute face decided to be baptized and of course, baptism photos are a must!

I think the heavens aligned because we had the most beautiful sunlight, it was glowy and soft, it was warm and welcoming it felt so good to start the spring season with such an incredible evening. I think one of my favorite moments came when she was twirling, the light was highlighting her from behind, and the little bugs glow like fireflies around her. Pretty magical if you ask me! This girl has so much personality. She is spunky and kind, she is driven, and loving. She dreams of being a fashion designer and I’ve been told when she has an outfit idea, she and her mom work to make it a reality. I believe a girl with a dream can be such a force for good and determination. Emmy- you looked beautiful. Thank you for your insights, your suggestions, your ‘vision’, and everything about who you are, I’m grateful you and your mama chose me to document such a sweet milestone in your life!





Mikenna Atkinson Photography | Southeastern Idaho Photographer | Grace, Idaho 

 I know they say life is full of regrets, and maybe for some, it is. When I look back on my short 30 years I can only think of a handful and one of those may seem like a drop in the bucket compared to others. That regret is not taking the time to get a ‘nice’ picture of me with each of my babies when they were just new babies. After nine months of carrying those little beans, it just seems fitting to have a nice portrait of Mama and her baby. Sure I have pictures of me with my kids individually, but most are quick snapshots. But I wish I would have taken the time to dress up just a little bit, and even if my baby was wrapped in a swaddle- nothing fancy, I wish I would have captured that simple moment. My baby is now crawling around, standing up, and walking along couches, tables, you name it, he’s even triumphantly climbed his way to the top of our staircase more than once. He’s growing up. That baby will never be this small again and that’s kind of a hard reality for me to swallow. So Mama’s, take the time to take pictures with your babies, regardless of age, it’s time. You will not regret those moments.

This Mama is darling, and her daughter is her sidekick, just two peas in a pod and I absolutely enjoy them! Fun fact, when my parents moved up to Grace, Taylors’ mom, became a sweet friend to my mom. We ended up calling her, ‘Aunt Becky’ for who knows how long! Our mom’s joked that their kids lined up just right and that each of their children had a friend. At the time I lived in Tremonton, and couldn’t imagine having a friend in Grace. Now I laugh because I’m not sure why we put it off for so long, but I’m grateful life has played out the way it has, and this time, our girls are cute little friends! Oh the giggles when they are playing together. I love hearing their imaginations run wild! One day after church we were driving home and I turned left to head down our road. Miss Kenzie yells from the back, “MOM! You turned the wrong way! I NEEEED to go to Lola’s house!” That about sums up how she feels about her friend Lola! Poor Lola, she’s got a firecracker for a friend! 😉  Well, we decided to do a little ‘Mom & Me’ spin this spring. I love the results and what made it even better was having Taylor put it all together for me! Because that’s what friends do right? You think up the idea, and then your friend makes it happen right? Right. I guess I picked the right friend because she put together such a cute setup, I can’t thank her enough!

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this in the past or not, but Taylor is the owner and creative behind Harland Bloom Events & Rentals. She puts together some dang cute backdrops, very Pinterest-worthy. So if you need a backdrop setup or even something as simple and darling as a balloon arch, she’s your girl! Check out her Instagram for a little peek into what she can do for your next event! But, since you’re here, keep scrolling to see some mommy & me moments that will make your heart swell with cuteness overload!

Thanks again, Taylor! Until next time…






Grace, Idaho | Lifestyle Newborn Portraits | Southeastern Idaho Photographer

Post Introduction:
There is a whole lot-a joy and celebration happening this past month! We’ve celebrated new babies, graduations, baptisms, birthdays, and everything in between! I sure love Sprummer! Hey, there’s a new word for you, Sprummer! Somedays it’s Spring and others it’s Summer! This Sprummer my sister Megan was finally able to get a miniature version of the baby doll she played with growing up. Her real baby was just over 5 lbs compared to the huge 10lb baby doll, but she has the same dark hair! Miss Olivia one-upped the doll by adding little golden highlights.

It’s funny though, how often we see a new baby and the first reaction is ‘I can’t believe how tiny they are!?’ I call it baby amnesia. Carson came into our family a short nine months ago but seeing him next to his brand new cousin was a good reminder of how fast time is passing right under our noses. Megan and Nick are proud parents. I’m pretty sure if I was a fly on their wall, I’d get to witness the back-and-forth battle over who gets to hold the baby- and no, it wouldn’t only be because the other gets to do the laundry ;). I will say, she was quite peaceful during our little photo session, I think heaven is closer than we think.

Why is it that when I have a baby it feels completely normal, like that’s the next step in life, how could it possibly be any other way, yet when my siblings get married, and have babies of their own, I find myself shocked and wondering where the time has gone? Out of the five Warnes kids, three of us are married, and this year, three of us have our own babies. Yes, I still call my kids my babies- I’m sure I always will! Seriously though, where does the time go, and why does it move so quickly when you’re not looking? I’ll admit, I’m having a hard time updating my memory file. When I think of my siblings, I think of them all with baby teeth, and about a head shorter than me. I think of running around the backyard with Barbies, horses, and of course GI-Joe (Nate wouldn’t be caught dead with a Barbie, so that was the replacement). I think of Megan sitting on the bathroom counter patiently letting me do her hair- it was probably a blessing to everyone that I didn’t do hair as a profession.

There were plenty of moments of arguing, tattle-telling, and pouting, but there are more good memories in their place. One of my favorite things about Megan is her creativity. When I bake for example, I like to make it look like it never happened- I use an ingredient and put it away immediately, and so on, that’s a good idea of how I create- we will call it a sterile creativity ;). When Megan creates you instantly walk into the room and know something fun is happening and want to get your hands dirty right alongside her- especially if taste testing is involved! When we were little Megan and Marina shared a room. I think Mom secretly wished they had been twins. Anyway, their room always seemed to be a creative disaster. Megan would always say that Marina was the reason for it, as all big sisters would say. Well, the time came and they decided they’d better have their own rooms. Megan moved out and almost instantly the room when from having no floor to looking like a spec home bedroom. Meanwhile, Megan’s new room seemed to shrink! From then on, we knew which of the two sisters had been the culprit the whole time. As a hint, it may have been the older one!

I said it before, but Olivia has two incredibly proud parents, but I shouldn’t be surprised. Craig and I lived in Tremonton when my parents moved to Grace but once a month we would make the drive up and visit the rest of the family. On one visit the kids were putting away the dishes and I noticed a well used cookie sheet had a few SUPER clean, I mean sparkling clean, spots on the back that seemed to be in a pattern. As I examined it a bit more, I realized those clean spots said ‘MEGAN.’ Who in the heck would take the time to scrub ‘M-E-G-A-N’ into a cookie sheet!? Come to find out, it was Nick, patient Nick. If he took the time to let Megan know he was thinking about her, can you imagine what he’d be willing to do for his two girls now? I’m excited to see what this new daddy, husband and provider will do for his new family!

Nick & Megan, I’m sure excited for you! Thank you for giving me another niece! I love you both! Meg’s congrats on your first newborn photos as a couple, I mean family photos. 😉






Grace Idaho | Extended Family 

I know Spring is here, my yard officially has more grass showing than snow so there’s *knock on wood* no turning back now! BUT that being said, I just can’t let this last Winter family session go without having its well-earned spot on the blog. The snow was beautiful, the view was perfect, and the family has also been on my favorites list for quite some time.

Let’s go waaaaaay back just for fun, shall we? I had heard the name ‘Kalli’ for quite some time, I knew she had to be one stellar human being, but I hadn’t yet met her, but if you know Kalli, you know once you’ve met her, your life is changed for good. She is one neat human being! This woman volunteered to help serve at my sisters’ wedding. This doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it sure is when the reception is over an hour away from home. She was there early and left late all while bringing her daughter along for the ride. Who does that? I would REAAAAAAllly have to love someone or just have a big heart to give up my evening. But that is Kalli to a T.  Last fall we hosted a boutique, and here comes Kalli right on board, no questions asked. She is the owner of a small business named Lower 40 where she does everything from making beautiful sugar cookies (the buttercream is my personal favorite!) to homemade bath salts-(if you’ve got a cold, you need her cold ‘therapy’ bag), herbal salves (foot cream is a fav…), chapsticks, all the way down to freeze-dried goodies (she said these were quite popular at the boutique. *Ahem, my husband may have bought a few bags…*). She is crafty, creative, cheerful, and completely wonderful!

Of course, I will brag on Kalli all day if you’d let me so I have to admit I was pretty excited to meet the rest of her extended family. Mandi and her little family, as well as Jeanette didn’t disappoint. They were kind, and quite enjoyable to be around! I enjoyed hearing about their rodeo adventures I’m not sure they are ever home. Mandi and her hubby also own 81 Eighty. They make wooden cutting boards with beautiful engraved designs. I actually snagged a few for Christmas gifts. These girls are quite talented if you haven’t noticed!

Well, I’m grateful I could meet up with this cute family, they are good, good people. Thank you, Collins, Sorensen, and the Zabriskie family for the invite! See you all next year ;).



P.S. We snagged a few imprompt photos of that cute baby and her parents before heading outdoors,- do miss them (scroll to the end) they’ll bring a well-needed smile to your face!



Grace, Idaho | Southeastern Idaho

Oh, the Van Gass family. They are spunky, energetic, creative, travel buffs, full of surprises, and will keep you laughing regardless of your life’s circumstances. I’ve been amazed at the endeavors they have taken over the past few years! Just to name a few… they are active members of the fair board/committee, designed and built a barndo,  participated in the Utah Pinners Conference- as well as countless other craft markets and events, and are active in their own community, all while raising a house full of cute kiddos and running and growing their small business from home. If you’re curious about what this business of hers looks like, let me give you just a quick overview. Liberti personally designs, assembles, and sells one-of-a-kind felt garlands, and other fun felt decorative pieces. If you still can’t quite wrap your head around this, head over to Loaly and check out her cute creations. You’d be amazed at what one can do with felt when you have a brain like Liberti’s!  Then there is LeGrand.

I really don’t know how to truly introduce you to LeGrand. I just can’t seem to find the words, but I get to sit in the corner each Sunday and watch as he walks into the Primary room. He’s a teacher of at least five kids ages 6-7 years old. You’d think that’d be a challenge, I’m pretty sure LeGrand finds it to be an exciting adventure. The kids enjoy his lessons- I know because one of those kids happens to be mine… 

This family has no fear, they have a way of going with the flow of change, and trying new things in ways that I would crawl into a hole and die before I’d try! They are quite the crew. I’m grateful I’ve been able to get to know them, to be their neighbor-even for a short time, and enjoy their sweet treats- thank you Lytzi! ;), and a fantastic Masala recipe- thank you Liberti!

Thank you Van Gass family for bringing a little spunk, adventure, and variety to our neighborhood! I’m grateful to have been able to hang out in the snow with this crew even for a short moment in time! I hope that every future adventure you embark on becomes your favorite! 🙂






You may remember from previous posts or comments that I have never owned a horse. I’ve ridden one before! IF one tethered to a wheel that goes around and around at the fair counts…My grandparents had a horse when I was little. He was a beautiful red color, and I was terrified of him, and yet I loved him at the same time. I would get so excited to feed him, but just about die every time I tried to stay calm, and hold out that small bundle of fresh-picked alfalfa to him. I thought he would for sure bite and then swallow my hand whole. I remember loving playing in his barn, climbing up on the pokey bales of hay just hoping there would be a mama cat and her kittens up there somewhere. Remember the Anne of Green Gables series? I remember seeing her sitting in a tree on the cover of one book and I imagined myself looking just like her sitting up on top of that haystack. I’m sure I looked far from that picturesque cover, my hair was probably disheveled, my jelly shoes filled with dirt and horse manure, the only thing that was close to picturesque was the sundress and my sun-kissed skin! Oh to have the imagination I once had! I was probably like Anne though, excited for an adventure, a mind filled with imagination, and plenty of moments where I wondered how in the world I was going to get myself out of a pickle, because as you know, as a kid, pickles are the end of the world.

Brigadier was his name, and as I mentioned, he was a beautiful red color. I have since been notified by my daughter that they are called Red Sorrels- thank you TJ for educating my daughter in all things horse related… Brigadier was my pet, at least he was in my mind. I’m sure grandpa appreciated babysitting and feeding him for me. 😉 I’d run to the back of grandpa and grandma’s yard and there he would be in the field just grazing away, he didn’t do much, but he made some great fertilizer! Every once in a while grandpa and grandma would go out of town and I’d get to check his water and such while they were gone. I’m sure my parents told me not to feed him, but if they weren’t around, I bet you can guess what I loved to do, especially if there was already a bale of hay cut. I only had one problem. I was scared to death of being in the same corral or field as he was without a fence between the two of us. He seemed like a giant, and I was sure that giant would kick or run me over if there was no barrier between us. Oftentimes he would be munching away at the trough by the barn which meant he couldn’t see me, or so I thought. His ‘corral+field’ was shaped like the state of Utah, just flipped upside down. You’d enter the field at the bottom between two wooden fence posts, then about 2/3 of the way up was another fence line that opened up to his barn area. Dividing that into two halves made a section on the left and one on the right (barn on the left, and the watershed with a smaller corral section on the right).

This day he was at the trough- probably still working on the snack I had loaded him up with the day before but that’s beside the point. I thought for sure he wouldn’t know of my arrival, so I quickly dodged through the entry posts and took a quick sprint back to the corral area and a hard right over the fence line and into the watershed then let out a sigh of relief as I opened the door and pulled it closed behind me. I raised the water hydrant handle to get the flow going and watched through a knot in the wall as the water filled in the old water tub. When it finished, I hung on that handle until I was able to shut it off- let’s just say my weight had to step up and stand in for my lack of muscle capacity. I opened the door and started my jog back out, but after I went over that first fence I noticed my pet was waiting for me and stood between me, and the exit. A normal human being would have been calm and walked under the perimeter fence and back to the yard. Not me, I couldn’t risk my sundress snagging on the barbed wire! Instead, I froze. He started walking towards me and I took off running back the way I came. The poor guy was harmless, and I’m sure he just wanted his nose rubbed! I sat in that barn for hours, I was sure I was going to die of starvation, would my parents come looking for me? Would Nate get to keep all my toys? Would my friends miss me? Who would forget to feed my rabbit?! I mean, who would feed my rabbit now?! My life suddenly flashed before my eyes. I was in a pickle. I loved the barn but I didn’t want to die there!

Well, 15 minutes later I decided I was going to make a run for it. He was at the water tub and I had a straight shot from the barn to the edge of the field. I looked both ways and ran as fast as my little legs could run plus a little extra. I’m sure I looked like a kid who had just stepped on a rattlesnake and was running for their life, little did they know I was just a dramatic goofball running from my harmless, pet, that wasn’t even mine, of a horse.

Fast forward a few years, maybe like 20, and one of my favorite families decides it’d be a good idea to take their family pictures among their herd of horses. You’ll soon find out if you have a request for your family portraits, I’ll make it happen, I can be brave! So I did, I stood there while the massive giants came in to see what treats I had brought them (Levi informed me that my black camera bag may give them the impression that I was there to feed them…) and tried to stay calm while they nibbled on my hair, and smelled/nuzzled my neck as I snapped away- yet not making any sudden movements. I can say I didn’t get kicked, bit, or stepped on, I even kept my cool. I’ll admit, I felt quite safe with Levi and his hat! I enjoyed the beautiful horses, the variety of colors and coats, I loved the gorgeous sun haze, and of course, being with my four favorite Spencers! Thank you for another great evening, I dibs the same time, same place this year!



P.S. See if you can find one of my all-time favorite horse pictures! As I was culling through the session getting ready to edit, I stopped and actually laughed out loud. Oh the moment was perfect!