Introduction: The decorations are up, the presents wrapped, the snow is here, and we have sugar running through our veins. It’s Christmas!  For the first year, in at least three, I’ve been excited to decorate and although it’s just small things around the house, I’m actually quite pleased with the results! So just for fun, and memory’s sake here’s a Christmas post to celebrate!

I’m not exactly sure why this year hit differently than the past few, maybe because in year three we’d just had Kenzie and my energy was zapped, then the past two I was finishing up my degree and ‘extra’ time wasn’t easy to find.  All I know is this year, I was actually excited to decorate! I patiently waited until December 1st and then we pulled out the boxes and let them sit in the living room for another week- just until we could get down to Logan and hit up Robinson Tree Farm. Boy, Craig and the kids sure did pick out a beauty! It’s full and probably the tallest tree we’ve had yet, and as an added bonus, it came with a live ladybug.

I’m not sure how many strands of lights I used, I want to say around six or seven but something about a pine tree with lights just melts my heart. I could stare at it all day with or without all the ribbons and ornaments to finish it off! This reminds me, we’ve been doing a red, white, and silver tree since we decorated our first tree 11 years ago, so I decided to splurge… A gold and white tree it would be! I purchased ribbons and a few fun floral sprigs but the bulbs would have to be DIY! FYI, the paint for the glass did not stick to the walls of the bulbs, BUT a little hairspray and glitter on the inside worked like magic!


 These ornaments have easily become one of my favorites. They are a really thin metal with our yearly family picture printed on both sides. It’s been fun to watch our little family grow. I’ve had one printed for the past three years and I truly wish I had done this sooner!  My next project was painting these cute tags! they are MDF wood and they were cut by Crafty Little You here in Grace, they put together a set that included the beads, the wooden unfinished tag, and the personalized vinyl names. I am truly in love! I haven’t had a staircase to decorate since I was a kid and it’s just different when it’s your own! Isn’t this charming! I did end up wrapping the railing with lights too, but forgot to snag a picture… whoops! 


I discovered a love for bottlebrush trees this year. I think they are absolutely charming and fill in those awkward and empty spaces perfectly! These ones came from Amazon but I know there are plenty of places that carry them! Also, do you just love my clock?! That little face makes me so happy!  

Last but definitely not least…my train! As a kid, we always had a train around our tree and I loved it! I mentioned to Craig we should get one…last year he surprised me with this beauty! This train is absolutely perfect! My kids will play with it for hours! I think everyone should have a train!