Grace, Idaho

What is it about old, time-worn barns that draw us in? Is it the stories they could hold? The people that we imagine building, and frequenting them? Maybe it’s just the fact that everything around us is so ‘new’ that they stand out just begging to be noticed and appreciated again. Whatever the reason is, I love them, I love walking around, or in them and imagining the stories they hold, I know my imagination goes wild. I think old barns have a ‘romantic’ feeling to them like trains. Well, we had one request for this session, which came from the head of the family, Shane. It doesn’t happen very often, I think most of the time the dads just assume they are required to show up,  and they will be happy about it because the wife expects it without another word.  Yes dads, I know that’s how it goes, thanks for being patient with us mothers and wives who just want that ONE good picture with our whole family together…:) Well, in this case, Shane had one request, and that one request was for the pictures to be around this old barn. Thankfully the owners were extremely kind to us and that one request was fulfilled!  

So, without further adieu, let me introduce you to the Zaharias family! This family moved to Grace in the last few years hoping to retire and start enjoying the ‘good life,’ instead, they made more work for themselves by getting involved in the community! They have become an asset and a fun piece of the Grace family. If you ever need a load of topsoil, gravel, and anything in between, they have you covered, AND they are very patient… 

Many of you know I am a few months pregnant, and just like anything change happens quite quickly, in this case, I could swear that I get bigger faster with each kiddo (could be in my head, but I sure feel it!), with that phenomenon,  comes finding clothes that fit appropriately. That afternoon I threw on a cute, and comfortable shirt and was ready to head off when my nine-year-old walked in and threw me a nice big grin and said, “Oh mom, you look so cute! You look like a freeze-dried taffy!” Well, I looked down at my color block shirt- gray, pink, and white, with a nice round belly, and realized she wasn’t wrong.

The Zaharias family was extremely patient with this oversized, freeze-dried taffy that evening. I promise they looked much better when they ‘struck a pose’ than when I did! I am grateful I was able to meet the rest of the family, and grateful Heidi and Shane were willing to put up with me because I’m sure I was quite the sight to see as I jumped around thinking I was as limber as a bunny rabbit in the field grass… I love each of you! I hope these images will be ones you can treasure for generations to come! 
